Our Pest Control Blog
Want to stay up-to-date on the pest control industry in Dallas-Fort Worth? Follow our pest control blog for news, updates, tricks, and tips on all things pest control!
Baking soda has long been hailed for its versatile uses, from cooking and cleaning to soothing sunburns. However, can it really eliminate those pesky ants that invade our homes? The answer is a resounding yes!
In the vast world of insects, few are as notorious as mosquitoes. Their irritating bites and incessant buzzing are enough to drive anyone crazy. However, beneath these nuisances, a more serious concern arises - the potential spread of dangerous diseases..
Mosquitoes have a varied diet, depending on their gender and life stage.
When it comes to unwanted house guests, termites top the list in Texas.
Termites are dangerous both to humans and a structure. They can cause extensive and costly damage if left untreated. Aside from the property damage caused by termites, it's important to take measures to keep yourself safe as well.
One of the strangest and least understood of the Texas house bugs is the silverfish.
Carpenter ants are very common in Texas. Learn about how to identify them, facts about them, and how to protect your home.
Mosquitoes are most active during the summer and falls months here in Texas.
As a resident of this state, new or old, it is important for you to be familiar with the types of pests most common to the area so that you know how to avoid common pest infestation and who to call for help if they do take over your home.
Almost any household can be susceptible to rodent infestations. A complex set of circumstances, like your climate, home structure and age, personal habits, and more, can determine whether you have to deal with rats and mice.